What Is PTSD?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event which results in psychological trauma. The event(s) may involve the threat of death to you, or to someone else, or to your own (or someone else’s) physical, sexual or psychological safety. It overwhelms the person’s ability to cope, and lasts longer than a month.
Diagnostic symptoms include: re-experiencing the original trauma(s) through flashbacks or nightmares, depression, the inability to feel certain feelings, and avoidance of stimuli associated with trauma. An additional symptom is increased agitation, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, anger, and hyper-vigilance.
It causes impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning in life. It may be felt immediately, or come on later, after a delayed period of time. It produces intense negative feelings of fear, horror or helplessness. The causes of PTSD include any severely traumatic event such as:
Domestic Abuse/Violence
Death/Loss of Loved One
Natural Disaster
Prison Stay
Job Loss
It is estimated that 20%-30% of returning veterans have some symptoms of PTSD. The causes of PTSD in children include witnessing or experiencing the following:
Parents with PTSD
Alcohol/Drug Abuse
Foster Care
Physical/Emotional or Sexual Abuse
Police, Firefighters, EMS and Disaster Relief workers also get PTSD.